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Virtual server (VPS)

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CPU 1 core 2 cores 4 cores
RAM 1 Gb 2 Gb 4 Gb
SSD 20 Gb 40 Gb 80 Gb
Virtualization Xen
Bandwith unlimited
Ethernet 100 mbit
Activation time 10 min
IP Adreses 1 1 1
Control panel Xen-orchestra
ОS: Linux Fedora / CentOS / Debian / Ubuntu / Suse / Doker

365.23 ₴ 730.83 ₴ 1096.43 ₴
Xen Order Order Order

Price with FAT

! – at payment for 6, 12 months a discount of 6% and 12% respectively is given.

VPS hosting for your business

For the majority of big web-projects the virtual server hosting (VPS)is the only right decision from the point of view of saving resources without sacrifying on quality.

Our company provides a VDS hosting with the OpenVZ and XEN virtualization, with the VPSM control panel – our unique product which ensures easiness and convenience of a VPS server control without contacting the help desk. These servers allow working with the majority of popular distributives: Fedora Core, Ubuntu, CentOS, SlackWare, ArtLinux, Debian, Gentoo, OpenSuse, Suse.

Advantages of VPS virtual server

The functionality of a VPS server is not inferior to that of a real server in most cases. Compared to the options of hosting files without a root-access to the operational system, with a VPS hosting the user can easily customize its configuration to his requirements as well as to install any add-ons by himself.

As a rule, a dedicated virtual server allows making considerable savings because it doesn’t require any investments for renting space at a data center, purchasing real servers and other related services. It’s especially profitable at a start-up stage of a project, at low site traffic. Necessary resources are added in process of growth of a client’s business at which the maximal server performance is guaranteed. Why pay for a powerful dedicated virtual server?

When acquiring a VPS server at PROSTO.HOST, you receive a quality site connected to a 1000 megabit port without any traffic limitations.